Mountain Karate Academy, LLC
Established 1990
Member of the Eastern U.S.A. International Martial Arts Association
468 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, Pa.
Office 610-377-0323
I understand the nature of this activity and acknowledge that I am in good health, and proper physical condition, to participate in physical training. I acknowledge that I have disclosed any medical problems that would affect my ability to fully participate. I also understand that there are risks involved in training, and I fully accept and assume all such risks and responsibility for any injuries that may occur. I will not hold Mountain Karate Academy, or Pencor Services, responsible for any monetary compensation in the event of injury or death. Mountain Karate Academy reserves the right to accept or reject any student. MKA does not discriminate due to race, creed, color, or religion.
I understand that it is my responsibility on any given day to notify my instructor of any physical ailments or anything hindering me from training at 100%.